Professor Elizabeth Papp Kamali‘s 2024 annual lecture,The Veronica Legend and Proof of Felony in Post-Ordeal England’,  delivered on  1 July 2024 can be viewed here

Professor Margaret McGlynn’s 2023 annual lecture,The King’s Female Felons and Criminal Justice Reform in Early Tudor England’,  delivered on  4 July 2023 can be viewed here

Dr Ian Williams‘s 2022 annual lecture, ‘The Saxon Constitution and Early Modern Law‘, delivered on 14 July 2022, can be viewed here.

Professor Wolfgang Ernst’s 2021 annual lecture, ‘John Selden and Roman Law‘, delivered on 20 September 2021, can be viewed here.

Dr Mike Macnair‘s 2020 annual lecture, ‘Torts displaced by crimes in the early eighteenth century‘,  delivered on 9 July 2020, can be viewed here.



Lady Hale‘s  Selden Society-Inns of Court Annual Lecture for 2023, Matrimony, Patriarchy and the Welfare of Children: the 200 year struggle to give parents equal rights in the upbringing of their children, hosted by Gray’s Inn on 29 November 2023,can be viewed here.

Lord Judge‘s Selden Society-Inns of Court Annual Lecture for 2022, 1622 The King’s Prerogative – 2022 The Prime Minister’s Prerogative, hosted by the Middle Temple on 1 November 2022, can be viewed here. The text of the speech can be found here.

Sir John Baker‘s  Selden Society-Inns of Court Annual Lecture for 2021, ‘John Selden and Legal History: “Liberty above all things”, hosted by the Inner Temple on 19 October 2021, can be viewed here.

Professor Jay Tidmarsh‘s  inaugural Selden Society-Inns of Court Annual lecture,  ‘The Fire Courts: successfully delivering justice in a time of plague and fire‘, hosted by the Inner Temple on 21 October 2020, can be viewed here.