Vol. 140, for 2023: REPORTS FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF EDWARD COKE. VOL. V 1598-1600. Edited by Sir JOHN BAKER, Q.C., LL.D., F.B.A., Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
Sir Edward Coke’s printed Reports have been seen as a major source for understanding not only the workings of the English legal system in the late Elizabeth and early Stuart period, but also the ‘common law mind’ itself. This new edition enriches our understanding by mining an essential but hitherto under-utilised source: Coke’s earliest autograph notebooks and manuscript reports of cases. Using material now housed in British Library and the Cambridge University Library, as well as the Coke family seat at Holkham Hall, these volumes contain much material omitted from Coke’s printed Reports, as well as the notes which formed the foundation of the reports printed later, together with Coke’s marginalia. This edition is principally a transcription and translation of all the cases reported by Coke before 1601 which are found in manuscript. The fifth volume contains cases from 1598 to 1600.
ISBN: 0854232369
Vol. 139, for 2022: REPORTS FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF EDWARD COKE. VOL. IV 1596-1598. Edited by Sir JOHN BAKER, Q.C., LL.D., F.B.A., Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
Sir Edward Coke’s printed Reports have been seen as a major source for understanding not only the workings of the English legal system in the late Elizabeth and early Stuart period, but also the ‘common law mind’ itself. This new edition enriches our understanding by mining an essential but hitherto under-utilised source: Coke’s earliest autograph notebooks and manuscript reports of cases. Using material now housed in British Library and the Cambridge University Library, as well as the Coke family seat at Holkham Hall, these volumes contain much material omitted from Coke’s printed Reports, as well as the notes which formed the foundation of the reports printed later, together with Coke’s marginalia. This edition is principally a transcription and translation of all the cases reported by Coke before 1601 which are found in manuscript. The fourth volume contains cases from 1596 to 1598.
ISBN: 0854232352
Vol. 138, for 2021: REPORTS FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF EDWARD COKE. VOL. III 1591-1595. Edited by Sir JOHN BAKER, Q.C., LL.D., F.B.A., Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
Sir Edward Coke’s printed Reports have been seen as a major source for understanding not only the workings of the English legal system in the late Elizabeth and early Stuart period, but also the ‘common law mind’ itself. This new edition enriches our understanding by mining an essential but hitherto under-utilised source: Coke’s earliest autograph notebooks and manuscript reports of cases. Using material now housed in British Library and the Cambridge University Library, as well as the Coke family seat at Holkham Hall, these volumes contain much material omitted from Coke’s printed Reports, as well as the notes which formed the foundation of the reports printed later, together with Coke’s marginalia. This edition is principally a transcription and translation of all the cases reported by Coke before 1601 which are found in manuscript. The third volume contains cases from 1588 to 1591.
ISBN: 0854232345
Vol. 137, for 2020: REPORTS FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF EDWARD COKE. VOL. II 1579-1588. Edited by Sir JOHN BAKER, Q.C., LL.D., F.B.A., Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
Sir Edward Coke’s printed Reports have been seen as a major source for understanding not only the workings of the English legal system in the late Elizabeth and early Stuart period, but also the ‘common law mind’ itself. This new edition enriches our understanding by mining an essential but hitherto under-utilised source: Coke’s earliest autograph notebooks and manuscript reports of cases. Using material now housed in British Library and the Cambridge University Library, as well as the Coke family seat at Holkham Hall, these volumes contain much material omitted from Coke’s printed Reports, as well as the notes which formed the foundation of the reports printed later, together with Coke’s marginalia. This edition is principally a transcription and translation of all the cases reported by Coke before 1601 which are found in manuscript. The second volume contains cases from 1579 to 1588 from Coke’s earliest chronological notebooks.
ISBN: 0854232338
Vol. 136, for 2019: REPORTS FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF EDWARD COKE. VOL. I 1572-1579. Edited by Sir JOHN BAKER, Q.C., LL.D., F.B.A., Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
Sir Edward Coke’s printed Reports have been seen as a major source for understanding not only the workings of the English legal system in the late Elizabeth and early Stuart period, but also the ‘common law mind’ itself. This new edition enriches our understanding by mining an essential but hitherto under-utilised source: Coke’s earliest autograph notebooks and manuscript reports of cases. Using material now housed in British Library and the Cambridge University Library, as well as the Coke family seat at Holkham Hall, these volumes contain much material omitted from Coke’s printed Reports, as well as the notes which formed the foundation of the reports printed later, together with Coke’s marginalia. This edition is principally a transcription and translation of all the cases reported by Coke before 1601 which are found in manuscript. The first volume contains cases from Coke’s Common-place Books and Marginalia mainly from 1572-79, and includes the editor’s introduction.
ISBN: 0854232321
Vol. 135, for 2018: JEFFREY GILBERT ON PROPERTY AND CONTRACT. Vol. II. Edited by Professor MICHAEL LOBBAN, F.B.A., London School of Economics and Political Science.
This volume is the second part of a two-volume edition of Chief Baron Gilbert’s writings on property and contract. This volume includes Gilbert’s treatise on the law of contract, the first general treatise on its subject in England. It also includes his ‘History of the Feud’, which Gilbert wrote as the historical introductory chapter to his projected treatise on real property, seeking to explain the feudal roots of English land law. Most of the rest of Gilbert’s chapters on real property were published in fragmented form in Matthew Bacon’s A New Abridgment of the Law, and the volume includes a concordance to show where in Bacon’s publication Gilbert’s material is to be found.
ISBN: 0854232291
Vol. 134, for 2017: JEFFREY GILBERT ON PROPERTY AND CONTRACT. Vol. I. Edited by Professor MICHAEL LOBBAN, F.B.A., London School of Economics and Political Science.
This volume is the first part of a two-volume edition of Chief Baron Gilbert’s writings on property and contract. This volume includes Gilbert’s Treatise of the Law of Nature, as well as the chapters on his Treatise of Property and Contract devoted to the foundations of the law of obligations and to the law relating to personal property. This volume also contains an introduction, which examines Gilbert’s life (including his role in the Irish constitutional crisis of 1717-1719), his projected comprehensive treatise on English law, his ideas on the law of nature, his contractual thought and his writings as an historian.
ISBN: 0854232291
Vol. 133, for 2016: SPECIAL EYRE ROLLS OF HUGH BIGOD, 1258-1260. VOL. II. Edited by ANDREW H. HERSHEY.
This is an edition of the three remaining unpublished plea rolls from the special court of the Justiciar Hugh Bigod, who was authorized by the Provisions of Oxford ‘to right the wrongs done by all other justices, bailiffs, earls, barons and all other persons’. Bigod was neither a judge nor a lawyer, though he had business and diplomatic experience. In appointing Bigod, the rebel barons attempted to revive the ideal of justice being simple, immediate and personal. Volume II is an edition of JUST 1/1188 and JUST 1/1189.
ISBN: 0854232314
Vol. 132, for 2015: READINGS ON MAGNA CARTA 1400-1604. Edited by Sir JOHN BAKER, Q.C., F.B.A., Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
This volume, advanced to appear for the 800th centenary of Magna Carta, shows the way in which various of the statute’s chapters were interpreted in the centuries following by lawyers in their lectures in the inns of court. Whilst the constitutional issues were considered, much else was debated: widows’ rights, common pleas, amercement, wager of law, county courts, mortmain, etc. These discussions show the very different emphases placed on various chapters of the charter in later periods and how the learning on each subject grew over the centuries.
ISBN: 0854232222
Vol. 131, for 2014: SPECIAL EYRE ROLLS OF HUGH BIGOD, 1258-1260. VOL. I. Edited by ANDREW H. HERSHEY.
This is an edition of the three remaining unpublished plea rolls from the special court of the Justiciar Hugh Bigod, who was authorized by the Provisions of Oxford ‘to right the wrongs done by all other justices, bailiffs, earls, barons and all other persons’. Bigod was neither a judge nor a lawyer, though he had business and diplomatic experience. In appointing Bigod, the rebel barons attempted to revive the ideal of justice being simple, immediate and personal. Volume I is an edition of JUST 1/1187.
ISBN: 0854232307
Vol. 130, for 2013: REPORTS OF SIR PETER KING, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE COMMON PLEAS, 1714-1722, edited by Professor LLOYD BONFIELD of New York Law School, and Professor L.R. POOS of the Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
The text of this edition is based upon three manuscripts, in Lincoln’s Inn Library, the library of Harvard Law School, and the Lilly Library of Indiana University, and contains notes of some 330 cases, predominantly in the Court of Common Pleas. It includes an extensive introduction, which not only gives a fascinating insight into the substantive and procedural issues which came before this much understudied court in this era, but also (through the various annotations of the manuscripts) shows how the manuscripts were passed on and used by other lawyers.
ISBN: 0854232281
Vol. 129, for 2012: THE RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH – Readings from the Pre-Reformation Inns of Court. Edited by Professor MARGARET McGLYNN of the University of Western Ontario.
The attitude of the common lawyers to the church the century before the Reformation is here revealed in a number of manuscript readings on Magna Carta c.1. The readers focus on grants to the church, sanctuary, benefit of clergy, and the jurisdiction of the church courts. The latest of these readings dates to about 1530, but the editor has added two later manuscripts: a series of responses by a common lawyer, c.1535, apparently to questions put by those revising canon law; and Edward Hall’s reading of 1541 on ‘Seint Eglise’ using 2 Hen. IV c.1 as his text. An introduction will study the relationship between the manuscripts and outline the legal developments as shown by the readings.
ISBN: 0854232215
Vol. 128, for 2011: CASE NOTES OF SIR SOULDEN LAWRENCE 1787 – 1800. Edited by Professor JAMES OLDHAM, St. Thomas More Professor of Law and Legal History, Georgetown University Law Center
Lawrence, a Common Pleas and King’s Bench judge 1794-1812, left extensive manuscript notes of his cases. These were for his own use, necessary because of the non-reporting or very-delayed reporting of cases in the central courts during most of the 18th century. In the introduction the editor chronicles this lack of regular and timely reporting, especially in the courts of Exchequer and Common Pleas. Hence the importance of materials such as these, drawn from the extensive collection of Lawrence manuscripts in the Middle Temple and Lincoln’s Inn libraries. The first part has notes of cases by Lawrence when still at the bar. But the main content is his notes as a judge, from 1794. These contain not only many unreported cases, but also supply the printed reports with much fuller detail; and include the unreported intermediate stages of litigation. In the last section of the volume, the editor has selected examples from seven out of the many Paper Books among Lawrence’s manuscripts.
ISBN: 0 85423 125 0
Vol. 127, for 2010: THREE CIVILIAN NOTEBOOKS: 1580 –1640. Edited by Professor R. H. HELMHOLZ, Ruth Wyatt Rosenson Distinguished Service Professor of Law, University of Chicago.
This volume contains texts and translations of the notebooks compiled by three English civilians during the last half of the sixteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth. The compilers were Sir Julius Caesar (d. 1636), later MP and Master of Requests, Dr Thomas Eden (d. 1645), later MP and Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and William Colman (d. 1668), registrar of the court of the archdeacon of Sudbury held at Bury St Edmunds. The contents are principally notations and comments about litigation in the ecclesiastical courts, the first from the Court of Arches and other London courts, the second from courts of the diocese of Ely and the third from the Colman’s own archdeaconry court. The editor’s introduction describes the careers of the compilers and the form and sources of the notebooks, discussing the approaches to law and the sources of authority found in them. It then situates them within the learned traditions of the ius commune.
ISBN: 0 85423 128 5
Vol. 126, for 2009: SELECT ECCLESIASTICAL CASES FROM THE KING’S COURTS 1272 – 1307. Edited by Professor DAVID MILLON, J.B. Stombock Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University.
In this volume are collected cases in the Common Bench, King’s Bench and eyres for the reign of Edward I in which conflicts of jurisdiction arose between these royal courts and the church courts. The common law’s jurisdiction, though secular, and the canon law’s, though spiritual, could frequently overlap: thus contract, debt, trespass, defamation, tithes, wills and all manner of criminal conduct could sometimes also have a spiritual aspect, and so be potentially justiciable in either forum. The editor’s introduction, 128 pages, provides a thorough explanation of the procedural and substantive law applied in the cases. Departing from previous scholarship the editor argues that the jurisdictional boundaries enforced during the reign of Edward I remained largely consistent with established practice.
ISBN: 0 85423 127 7
Vol. 125, for 2008: IRISH EXCHEQUER REPORTS: Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Chancery in Ireland, 1716–34. Edited by ANDREW LYALL, LLD.
This is the first volume by the Society of material from outside England but Ireland was then part of the legal regime of England and appeals lay to Westminster. The volume is based on a manuscript at Columbia University which belonged to Henry Singleton (1682–1759), the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland. The introduction surveys the practice of the Irish Exchequer, notes points of particular interest in the reports, and provides biographies of the principal lawyers whose speeches are reported.
ISBN: 0 85423 126 9
Vol. 124, for 2007: THE REPORTS OF WILLIAM DALISON, 1552–1558. Edited by Sir JOHN BAKER, Q.C., F.B.A., Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
Dalison was justice of King’s and Queen’s Bench during the reigns of Philip and Mary. The early printed edition of reports that bears his name is puzzling, because most of the reports in the volume date from after Dalison’s death in 1559. The editor has discovered a manuscript that seems to be a copy of Dalison’s original, which is the basis of the edition. The reports date from 1552 to 1558 and are of particular interest because they contain a substantial number of reports of criminal cases discussed in Serjeants’ Inn.
ISBN: 0 85423 210 9
Vol. 123, for 2006: EARLIEST ENGLISH LAW REPORTS, Vol. IV Edited by Dr PAUL BRAND, F.B.A.
This volume concludes the editing of all identifiable pre-1290 law reports. It contains case from eyres later than those in the previous volume or which cannot be dated with certainty; reports from the Exchequer of the Jews; assize reports; and other reports from unidentified courts. The very extensive introduction surveys the beginning of law reproting, the nature of legal discourse and argument as revealed in these early reports, and the courts’ approach to the interpretations and application of statutes.
ISBN: 0 85423 200 1
Vol. 122, for 2005: EARLIEST ENGLISH LAW REPORTS, Vol. III Edited by Dr PAUL BRAND, F.B.A
This volume continues the editing of the pre-1290 law reports begun in vols. 111 and 112, of which some 150 cases have been identified. It contains pre-1285 general eyre reports from some twelve counties. The introduction traces the background and careers of the dramatis personae, the judges and serjeants who appear in the cases; and considers the early emergence of the professional lawyer.
ISBN: 0 85423 200 1
Vol. 121, for 2004: REPORTS OF CASES IN THE TIME OF HENRY VIII, Vol. II. Edited by Professor J. H. BAKER, QC, FBA, Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
This volume completes the collection of reports started in the preceding volume and supplies indexes for both volumes.
ISBN: 0 85423 175 7
Vol. 120, for 2003: REPORTS OF CASES IN THE TIME OF HENRY VIII, Vol. I. Edited by Professor J. H. BAKER, QC, FBA, Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
This is a collection of previously unpublished reports for the period 1509-1550, a period for which the printed year books cover only seven years. Thirteen different series are included, the most important being those of Roger Yorke, Richard Pollard, John Caryll the younger, and William Yelverton. This is the first period of history for which so many separate series of reports may be distinguished, and belies Maitland’s suggestion that in this period of rapid change there was a loss of interest in case law.
ISBN: 0 85423 170 6
Vol. 119, for 2002: THE YEAR BOOKS OF 12-14 HENRY VIII. Edited by Professor. H. BAKER, QC, FBA, Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Cambridge.
The two volumes 12-13 and 14 Henry VIII were printed not long after the cases were decided, and stand out from other year books by the selection of cases in which points of law were raised on the record rather than in extempore discussions and through tentative pleading. Although the principal texts are in print (in black-letter editions), they are not easy to use. Much can be learned from the editing process and especially from a comparison of reports and records. Unlike the content of most other year books, nearly all the cases in these volumes are identifiable in the plea rolls.
ISBN: 0 85423 155 2
Vol. 118, for 2001: CASES CONCERNING EQUITY AND THE COURTS OF EQUITY. 1550-1660: Vol. II Edited by Professor W. HAMILTON BRYSON of the University of Richmond, Virginia.
This volume continues the selection of cases down to 1660, and supplies indexes and tables to both volumes.
ISBN: 0 85423 140 4
Vol. 117, for 2000: CASES CONCERNING EQUITY AND THE COURTS OF EQUITY. 1550-1660: Vol. I. Edited by Professor W. HAMILTON BRYSON of the University of Richmond, Virginia.
From the numerous manuscript reports of the Chancery, the volume includes from 1550 to 1611 those of Richard Powle, Register of the Court under Elizabeth I; Turnour, Paynell; and others; and an anonymous collection of notes from the time of Lord Ellesmere. There are specimen pleadings, and references are supplied to relevant entries in the decree and order books. The introduction surveys the development of equitable jurisdiction during the period covered.
ISBN: 0 85423 145 5
Vol. 116, for 1999: REPORTS OF CASES BY JOHN CARYLL: Vol. II. 1500-1522. Edited by Professor J. H. BAKER, QC, FBA, Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
This volume concludes the edition in the preceding volume and supplies tables and indexes to both volumes.
ISBN: 0 85423 140 4
Vol. 115, for 1998: REPORTS OF CASES BY JOHN CARYLL: Vol. I. 1485-1499. Edited by Professor J. H. BAKER, QC, FBA, Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
John Caryll, prothonotary and king’s serjeant, was one of the principal early-Tudor law reporters though none of his work has been printed under his name. This edition comprises previously unpublished cases from the 1480s and 1490s, cases from the printed year books of Henry VII which can now be attributed to Caryll, and reports from 1496 to 1519 printed in 1602 as “Keilwey”; together with such records of those cases as have been traced in the plea rolls.
ISBN: 0 85423 135 8
Vol. 114, for 1997: SELECT CASES IN MANORIAL COURTS: Property Law and Family Law, 1250-1500. Edited by Professor L. BONFIELD of Tulane Law School, and Professor L. R. POOS of the Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
Manorial court rolls survive in enormous quantity, though most of their contents are in common form and have more to tell about local, social and economic history than about the law. Vol. 2 (1888) provides a cross-section from some of the earliest rolls. In this volume the editors have chosen a collection of unusually detailed entries which illustrate the ways in which questions of property and family law were dealt with at the manorial level over a longer period of time. In their introduction, they assess the extent to which these courts may be said to have followed legal principles in dealing with such questions, and also reveal what some of the main principles were.
ISBN: 0 85423 125 0
Vol. 113, additional for 1997. JOHN SPELMAN’S READING ON QUO WARRANTO: Gray’s Inn, Lent 1519. Edited by Professor J. H. BAKER, QC, FBA, Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
The main purpose of this edition is to advance our understanding of the educational system in the inns of court as it operated in the first part of the sixteenth century. The choice of Spelman’s second reading was governed by the survival of texts both of his lectures and of his disputed cases, this being the earliest reading for which both sources exist in any quantity. The edition attempts to show how the system of disputation related to the expository part of the exercise, and also, by looking back at earlier readings on the same or similar subject matter, how a reader put his lectures together. The subject of this reading is the law relating to royal franchises, which were central to the medieval and early modem legal system, and the parallel materials include lectures on liberties in general, tourns and leets, wreck, royal fish, and forest law.
ISBN: 0 85423 219 2
Vol. 112, for 1996. EARLIEST ENGLISH LAW REPORTS, Vol. II Edited by Dr PAUL BRAND.
A continuation of the edition in Vol. 111, with cases from 1285 to 1292. The introduction provides background information about the serjeants mentioned in the reports.
ISBN: 0 85423 198 6
Vol. 111, for 1995. EARLIEST ENGLISH LAW REPORTS, Vol. I. Edited by Dr PAUL BRAND.
English law-reporting began at the end of Henry reign, but during the first half of the reign of his successor Edward I there is no Common Bench term for which more than seven datable reports survive. Vols.111-112 contain all the reports of 142 cases heard in the Common Bench between 1268 and 1289, being all those which are identifiable as such in the miscellaneous collections of undated reports found in manuscript. Three-quarters of the cases have been identified in the plea rolls, and the matching enrolments are printed with the reports. The introduction describes the main manuscripts from which the reports are taken, and gives background information about the justices mentioned in them.
ISBN: 0 85423 193 5
Vol. 110, for 1994. REPORTS FROM THE LOST NOTEBOOKS OF SIR JAMES DYER, Vol. II. Edited by Professor J. H. BAKER, FBA, Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
This volume concludes the edition which commenced in Vol. 109, with the main reports continuing from 1571 to 1581, and an edition of Dyer’s circuit notebook (1554-81). The latter is the earliest continuous record of circuit practice, and the only such notebook ever to have been printed. There are indexes and tables to both volumes.
ISBN: 0 85423 188 9
Vol. 109, for 1993. REPORTS FROM THE LOST NOTEBOOKS OF SIR JAMES DYER, Vol. I Edited by Professor J. H. BAKER, FBA, Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
This is the first edition of Elizabethan law reports to be undertaken by the Society and covers the period of Dyer’s chief justiceship of the Common Pleas (1559-81), with a few older cases going back to 1541. The contents supplement the vulgate edition of Dyer, from which over 500 cases and memoranda were omitted. The Introduction, besides giving a sketch of the reporter, concentrates on the issues of public law found in the reports: the Crown and the royal prerogative, Parliament and legislation, treason and public order, questions of religion, the protection of individual liberty against abuses of executive authority, and the work of the prerogative courts. The text of this volume contains the reports (not before printed) from 1541 to 1571.
ISBN: 0 85423 183 8
Vol. 108, for 1992. HALE AND FLEETWOOD ON ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION. Edited by M. J. PRICHARD, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, and D. E. C. YALE, FBA, Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge.
Unlike Vols 6 and 11, which contain specimen admiralty cases, the principal object of this volume is to present in detail the argument over maritime jurisdiction as it was developed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A full historical introduction is followed by editions of two previously unpublished treatises, one by Serjeant William Fleetwood (d. 1594) and the other by Sir Matthew Hale (d. 1676).
ISBN: 0 85423 178 1
Vol. 107, for 1991. ENGLISH LAWSUITS FROM WILLIAM I TO RICHARD I Vol. II. Henry I to Richard I. Edited by Professor R. C. VAN CAENEGEM, of the University of Ghent.
(This concludes the edition which began in Vol. 106.)
ISBN: 0 85423 173 0
Vol. 106, for 1990. ENGLISH LAWSUITS FROM WILLIAM I TO RICHARD I Vol. I. William I to Stephen. Edited by Professor R. C. VAN CAENEGEM, of the University of Ghent.
This two-volume collection, previously announced as a new Placita Anglo-Normannica, brings together all significant accounts of lawsuits between 1066 and 1199, drawn from chronicles, charters and similar sources. It shows that the period before the formal limit of legal memory is by no means prehistoric, and provides the materials for an assessment of the institutional and procedural changes wrought in this period.
ISBN: 0 85423 173 0
Vol. 105, for 1989. READINGS AND MOOTS AT THE INNS OF COURT IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, Vol. II. Moots and Readers’ Cases. Edited by Professor SAMUEL E. THORNE, Harvard Law School, and Professor J. H. BAKER, FBA, Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
Vol. I (Readings) was published as Vol. 71. The text of this volume consists of a selection of moots (pleading exercises) and readers’ cases (disputations upon the propositions advanced in readings). The volume also contains an introduction by Professor Baker tracing the evolution of the two kinds of disputation to the learning exercises of the fourteenth century, and some specimen moot cases.
ISBN: 0 85423 163 3
Vol. 104, for 1988. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. VOL. XXVII. YEAR BOOKS OF 14 EDWARD II (Michaelmas 1320). Edited by Professor S. J. STOLJAR and L. J. DOWNER, both of the Australian National University, Canberra.
ISBN: 0 85423 158 7
Vol. 103, for 1987. SELECT CASES OF TRESPASS IN THE KING’S COURTS, 1307-1399 Vol. II. Edited by the Hon. MORRIS S. ARNOLD, United States District Judge, Western District of Arkansas.
(This concludes the selection which begins in Vol. 100.)
ISBN: 0 85423 158 7
Vol. 102, for 1986. THE NOTEBOOK OF SIR JOHN PORT. Edited by Dr. J. H. BAKER, FBA, Fellow of St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
ISBN: 0 85423 148 X
Vol. 101, for 1985. SELECT CASES ON DEFAMATION TO 1600. Edited by Professor RICHARD H. HELMHOLZ of the University of Chicago.
ISBN: 0 85423 143 9
Vol. 100, for 1984. SELECT CASES OF TRESPASS IN THE KING’S COURTS, 1307-1399, Vol. I. Edited by Professor MORRIS S. ARNOLD of Indiana University School of Law.
(Vol. II, completing the text and with an index, is Vol. 103 for 1987.)
ISBN: 0 85423 138 2
Vol. 99, for 1983. FLETA. Vol IV. Books 5 and 6. Edited by G. O. SAYLES, D.LITT, MRIA, FBA.
(Vol. II was published as Vol. 72 for 1953. Vol. III as Vol. 89, an extra volume for 1972.)
ISBN: 0 85423 133 1
Vol. 98, for 1982. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. THE EYRE OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 1329-30. Vol. 2. Edited by Professor DONALD W. SUTHERLAND of the University of Iowa.
ISBN: 0 85423 128 5
Vol. 97, for 1981. YEAR BOOK SERIES. THE EYRE OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 1329-30. Vol. 1. Edited by Professor DONALD W. SUTHERLAND of the University of Iowa.
ISBN: 0 85423 123 4
Vol. 96, for 1980. THE SHROPSHIRE EYRE ROLL OF 1256. Edited by Professor ALAN HARDING, University of Liverpool.
ISBN: 0 85423 109 9
Vol. 95, for 1978 and 1979. SELECT CASES FROM THE ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS OF THE PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY, c.1200-1301. Edited by Professor NORMA ADAMS, Mount Holyoke College, and Professor CHARLES DONAHUE, JR, of the Harvard Law School.
(This double volume was issued for convenience in one binding.)
ISBN: 0 85423 110 2
Vol. 94, for 1977. THE REPORTS OF SIR JOHN SPELMAN Part II. Edited by Dr. J. H. BAKER, Fellow of St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
(This part contains the introduction and indexes.)
ISBN: 0 85423 113 7
Vol. 93, for 1976. THE REPORTS OF SIR JOHN SPELMAN Part I. Edited by Dr. J. H. BAKER, Fellow of St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge.
ISBN: 0 85423 112 9
Vol. 92, for 1975. THE PREROGATIVES OF THE KING, by Sir MATTHEW HALE. Edited by D. E. C. YALE, Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge.
ISBN: 0 85423 114 5
Vol. 91, for 1974. DOCTOR AND STUDENT, by CHRISTOPHER ST. GERMAN. Edited by the late Professor T. F. T. PLUCKNETT, FBA., and by J. L. BARTON, Fellow of Merton College, Oxford.
ISBN: 0 85423 099 8
Vol. 90, for 1972 and 1973. THE ROLL AND WRIT FILE OF THE BERKSHIRE EYRE OF 1248. Edited by Dr. M. T. CLANCHY, Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Glasgow.
ISBN: 0 85423 098 X
Vol. 89, additional for 1972. FLETA, Vol. III. Books 3 and 4. Edited by H. G. RICHARDSON, FBA, and G. O. SAYLES, D.LITT, MRIA, FBA.
(Vol. II containing the Prologue and Books I and 2, was published as Vol. 72 for 1953. Books 5 and 6 are in Vol. 99 for 1983).
ISBN: 0 85423 094 7
Vol. 88, for 1971. SELECT CASES IN THE COURT OF KING’S BENCH. Vol. VII: Richard II, Henry IV and Henry V (1377-1422). Edited by G. O. SAYLES, D.LITT, MRIA, FBA.
(The earlier volumes are Vols. 55 (1936); 57 (1938): 58 (1939); 74 (1955); 76 (1957); and 82 (1965))
ISBN: 0 85423 003 3
Vol. 87, for 1970. EARLY REGISTERS OF WRITS. Edited by Dr. ELSA DE HAAS, Brooklyn College, and G. D. G. HALL, President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
ISBN: 0 85423 002 5
Vol. 86, for 1969. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XXVI, Part II. THE EYRE OF LONDON, 14 EDWARD II (1321), Vol. II. Edited by the late HELEN M. CAM, CBE, LITT.D, FBA.
ISBN: 0 85423 103 X
Vol. 85, for 1968. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XXVI, Part I. THE EYRE OF LONDON, 14 EDWARD II (1321), Vol. I. Edited by the late HELEN M. CAM, CBE, LITT.D, FBA.
ISBN: 0 85423 102 1
Vol. 84, for 1967. PLEAS BEFORE THE KING OR HIS JUSTICES, 1198-1212. Vol. IV. Edited by LADY STENTON, D.LITT, HON LL.D, FBA.
ISBN: 0 85423 119 6
Vol. 83, for 1966. PLEAS BEFORE THE KING OR HIS JUSTICES, 1198-1212. Vol. III. Edited by LADY STENTON, D.LITT, HON. LL.D, FBA.
(Vols I and II were published in Vols 67 and 68.)
ISBN: 0 85423 118 8
Vol. 82, for 1965. SELECT CASES IN THE COURT OF KING’S BENCH. Vol. VI. Edward III: 1341-1377. Edited by G. O. SAYLES, MRIA, FBA, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London.
ISBN: 0 85423 076 9
Vol 81, for 1964. YEAR BOOK SERIES. Vol. XXV. YEAR BOOKS OF 12 EDWARD II (1319). Edited from sundry MSS. by J. P. COLLAS, B.LITT, Professor of French in the University of London.
(This volume contains the remaining reports for Easter term and those for Trinity term, 12 Edward II.)
ISBN: 0 85423 214 1
Vol. 80, for 1963. NOVAE NARRATIONES. Edited by the late Miss ELSIE SHANKS and S. F. C. MILSOM, Fellow of New College, Oxford.
ISBN: 0 85423 077 7
Vol. 79, for 1961-62. LORD NOTTINGHAM’S CHANCERY CASES. Vol. II. Edited by D. E. C. YALE, MA, LLB, Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge.
(Vol. I was published as Vol. 73 for 1954.)
ISBN: 0 85423 092 0
Vol. 78, for 1960. PENSION BOOK OF CLEMENT’S INN, 1714-1749. Edited with an introduction by Sir CECIL CARR, KCB, QC, FBA.
ISBN: 0 85423 010 6
Vol. 77, for 1958-1959. ROYAL WRITS IN ENGLAND FROM THE CONQUEST TO GLANVILL: Studies in the early history of the common law. Edited by Dr. R. C. VAN CAENEGEM, University of Ghent.
ISBN: 0 85423 008 4
Vol. 76, for 1957. SELECT CASES IN THE COURT OF KING’S BENCH. Vol. V. Edward III, 1327-1340. Edited by Professor G. O. SAYLES, MA, D,LITT, MRIA, King’s College, University of Aberdeen.
ISBN: 0 85423 075 0
Vol. 75, for 1956. SELECT CASES IN THE COUNCIL OF HENRY VII. Edited by the late C. G. BAYNE, C.S.I., and prepared for publication by WILLIAM HUSE DUNHAM, JR, George Burton Adams Professor of History and Master of Jonathan Edwards College, Yale University.
ISBN: 0 85423 090 4
Vol. 74, for 1955. SELECT CASES IN THE COURT OF KING’S BENCH. Vol. IV. Edward II. Edited by Professor G. O. SAYLES, MA, D.LITT, MRIA, King’s College, University of Aberdeen.
ISBN: 0 85423 074 2
Vol. 73, for 1954. LORD NOTTINGHAM’S CHANCERY CASES. Vol. I Edited by D. E. C. YALE, MA, LL.B, Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge.
(Vol. II was published as Vol. 79 for 1961-62.)
ISBN: 0 85423 088 2
Vol. 72, for 1953. FLETA. Vol. II. Prologue, Books 1 and 2. Edited by H. G. RICHARDSON, FBA, and Professor G. O. SAYLES, MA, D.LITT, of the University of Aberdeen.
(Books 3 & 4 are contained in Vol. 89 for 1972 and Books 5 & 6 in Vol. 99 for 1983.)
ISBN: 0 85423 067 X
Vol. 71, for 1952. READINGS AND MOOTS AT THE INNS OF COURT IN THE 15TH CENTURY. Vol. I. Readings. Edited by SAMUEL E. THORNE, Professor of Legal History, Yale Law School.
ISBN: 0 85423 083 1
Vol. 70, for 1951. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XXIV. YEAR BOOKS OF 12 EDWARD II (1319). Edited by J. P. COLLAS, B.LITT., Professor of French, and T. F. T. PLUCKNETT, FBA, Professor of Legal History, in the University of London.
(This volume contains the reports for Hilary term and for part of Easter term 12 Edward II)
ISBN: 0 85423 055 6
Vol. 69, for 1950. THE CASUS PLACITORUM and REPORTS OF CASES IN THE KING’S COURTS, 1272-1278. Edited with an introduction by WILLIAM HUSE DUNHAM, JR, George Burton Adams Professor of History in Yale University.
ISBN: 0 85423 013 0
Vol. 68, for 1949. PLEAS BEFORE THE KING OR HIS JUSTICES, 1198-1202. Vol. II. Edited by LADY STENTON, D.LITT, FBA, Senior Lecturer in the University of Reading.
(Vols. III and IV were published as Vols 83 and 84 for 1966 and 1967.)
ISBN: 0 85423 055 6
Vol. 67, for 1948. PLEAS BEFORE THE KING OR HIS JUSTICES, 1198-1202. Vol. 1. Edited by LADY STENTON, D.LITT, FBA, Senior Lecturer in the University of Reading.
ISBN: 0 85423 078 5
Vol. 66, for 1947. BREVIA PLACITATA. Edited by G. J. TURNER, MA, FBA, and completed with additions by Professor T. F. T. PLUCKNETT, FBA, Professor of Legal History in the University of London.
ISBN: 0 85423 084 X
Vol. 65, for 1946. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XXIII. YEAR BOOKS OF 12 EDWARD II (MICHAELMAS A.D. 1318). Edited by J. P. COLLAS, B.LITT, BA, and T. F. T. PLUCKNETT, FBA, Professor of Legal History in the University of London.
ISBN: 0 85423 054 8
(This volume continues the selection begun in Vol. 51 for 1933.)
ISBN: 0 85423 024 6
Vol. 63, for 1944. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. X. YEAR BOOKS OF 5 EDWARD II (A.D. 1311). Edited by G. J. TURNER, MA, FBA, completed with an introduction by Professor T. F. T. PLUCKNETT, FBA.
(This volume contains the reports for the Michaelmas term. The volumes for the other terms of 5 Edward II were issued as Vols. XI and XII in the Year Books Series and appeared as Vols. 31 and 33 for 1915 and 1916, respectively.)
ISBN: 0 85423 061 0
ISBN: 0 85423 015 7
Vol. 61, for 1942. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XXII. YEAR BOOKS OF 11 EDWARD II (1317-1318). Edited by J. P. COLLAS, B.LITT, BA, and SIR W. S. HOLDSWORTH, OM, KC, DCL, HON LL.D, FBA, Vinerian Professor of English Law.
ISBN: 0 85423 053 X
ISBN: 0 85423 068 8
ISBN: 0 85423 080 7
ISBN: 0 85423 073 4
ISBN: 0 85423 072 6
Vol. 56, for 1937. ROLLS OF THE JUSTICES IN EYRE FOR YORKSHIRE IN 3 HENRY III (1218-1219). Edited, from the rolls in the Public Record Office, by DORIS M. STENTON.
ISBN: 0 85423 209 5
(The series is continued in Vols. 57, 58, 74, 76, 82, and 88.)
ISBN: 0 85423 071 8
Vol. 54, for 1935. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XXI. YEAR BOOKS OF 10 EDWARD II (1316-1317). Edited by M. DOMINICA LEGGE, MA, and SIR WILLIAM HOLDSWORTH, KC, DCL, HON LL.D, FBA, Vinerian Professor of English Law.
(This volume contains the reports of Hilary, Easter and Trinity terms 10 Edward II.)
ISBN: 0 85423 052 1
Vol. 53, additional for 1934. ROLLS OF THE JUSTICES IN EYRE FOR LINCOLNSHIRE (1218-1219) AND WORCESTERSHIRE (1221). Edited by DORIS M. STENTON.
ISBN: 0 85423 081 5
Vol. 52, for 1934. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XX. YEAR BOOKS OF 10 EDWARD II (1316-1317). Edited by M. DOMINICA LEGGE, B.LITT, MA, and SIR W. S. HOLDSWORTH, KC, DCL, HON LL.D, FBA, Vinerian Professor of English Law.
(This volume contains the reports for Michaelmas term, 10 Edward II.)
ISBN: 0 85423 051 3
Vol. 51, additional for 1933. SELECT CASES IN THE EXCHEQUER CHAMBER. Edited by M. HEMMANT, PH.D.
(This is continued in Vol. 64 for 1945.)
ISBN: 0 85423 023 8
Vol. 50, for 1933. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. YEAR BOOKS OF HENRY VI, 1 HENRY VI (A.D. 1422). Edited by C. H. WILLIAMS, MA.
ISBN: 0 85423 121 8
(The work which Professor Charles Gross inaugurated with Vol. 23, was continued in Vol. 46 for 1929.)
ISBN: 0 85423 021 1
Vol. 48, for 1931. SELECT CASES IN THE EXCHEQUER OF PLEAS. Edited, from the records in the Public Record Office. by HILARY JENKINSON, FSA., and BERYL E. R. FORMOY.
ISBN: 0 85423 026 2
Vol. 47, for 1930. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. YEAR BOOKS OF 10 EDWARD IV AND 49 HENRY VI (A.D. 1470). Edited by Miss N. NEILSON, of Mount Holyoke College.
(This volume includes cases of a year divided between two reigns: Easter and Trinity terms 10 Edward IV; and Michaelmas and Hilary terms 49 Henry VI.)
ISBN: 0 85423 122 6
(This volume was envisaged by the late Professor Charles Gross and referred to in his preface to Vol. I published as Vol. 23 for 1908. Vol. III appears as Vol. 49 for 1932.)
ISBN: 0 85423 020 3
Vol. 45, for 1928. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XIX. YEAR BOOKS OF 9 EDWARD II (1315-1316). Edited by G. J. TURNER, MA, and W. C BOLLAND, LL.D, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barristers.
ISBN: 0 85423 050 5
Vol. 44, for 1927. LIBER PAUPERUM OF VACARIUS. Edited by F. DE ZULUETA, DCL, Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Oxford.
ISBN: 0 85423 089 0
Vol. 43, for 1926. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XIV. Part II. YEAR BOOKS OF 6 EDWARD II (A.D. 1313). Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume contains the reports of the Hilary and Easter terms of the sixth year, and is a continuation of Vol. XIV, Part I, issued as Vol. 38 for 1921.)
ISBN: 0 85423 045 9
Vol. 42, for 1925. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. IX. YEAR BOOKS OF 4 EDWARD II (1311). Edited by G. J. TURNER, MA, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume contains all the reports of Trinity term, 4 Edward II, together with a few undated reports of earlier terms.)
ISBN: 0 85423 041 6
Vol. 41, for 1924. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XVII. YEAR BOOKS OF 8 EDWARD II (1314-1315). Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume includes cases heard in the Hilary, Easter and Trinity terms of the eighth year.)
ISBN: 0 85423 048 3
Vol. 40, for 1923. PUBLIC WORKS IN MEDIAEVAL LAW. Vol. II Edited by C. T. FLOWER, FSA., of the Public Record Office and the Inner Temple, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 017 3
Vol. 39, for 1922. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XVI. YEAR BOOKS OF 7 EDWARD II (1313-1314). Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume includes cases heard in all the terms of the seventh year.)
ISBN: 0 85423 047 5
Vol. 38, for 1921. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XIV. Part I. YEAR BOOKS OF 6 EDWARD II (A.D. 1312-1313). Edited by SIR PAUL VINOGRADOFF, FBA, and Dr LUDWIK EHRLICH, Lecturer in the University of Lwow.
(This volume contains the remainder of the cases of Michaelmas term, 6 Edward II, which could not be included in Year Book Series, Vol. XIII)
ISBN: 0 85423 044 0
Vol. 37, for 1920. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XVIII. YEAR BOOKS OF 8 EDWARD II (A.D. 1314). Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume contains the reports of the Michaelmas term of the eighth year.)
ISBN: 0 85423 049 1
Vol. 36, for 1918. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XV. YEAR BOOKS OF 6 AND 7 EDWARD II (1313). Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume contains reports of cases heard in the Hilary term of 6 Edward II and in Michaelmas term of the following regnal year.)
ISBN: 0 85423 046 7
Vol. 35, for 1919. SELECT CASES BEFORE THE KING’S COUNCIL. Edited by I. S. LEADAM and Professor J. F. BALDWIN.
(The volume was printed in America by the Harvard University Press, owing to the war. The title page as originally printed describes it as Vol. 36, for 1918. As it was not practicable to send the volume to England in 1918, it was not issued until 1919, when its volume number was altered to Vol. 35, as Vol. 36 had in the meantime been issued. Some copies were issued unaltered as to number of the volume on the title page and the spine.)
ISBN: 0 85423 0300
Vol. 34, for 1917. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XIII. YEAR BOOKS OF 6 EDWARD II (1312-1313). Edited by Sir PAUL VINOGRADOFF, FBA, and Dr LUDWIK EHRLICH, Lecturer in Political Science in the University of California.
(This volume contains reports of cases in the Michaelmas term of 6 Edward II)
ISBN: 0 85423 043 2
Vol. 33, for 1916. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XII YEAR BOOKS OF 5 EDWARD II (1312). Edited by W. C. BOLLAND. of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume includes reports of cases heard in the Easter and Trinity terms of 5 Edward II.)
ISBN: 0 85423 042 4
Vol. 32 for 1915. PUBLIC WORKS IN MEDIAEVAL LAW. Vol. I. Edited by C. T. FLOWER, of the Public Record Office and the Inner Temple, Barrister.
(Vol. II was published as Vol. 40 for 1923.)
ISBN: 0 85423 016 5
Vol. 31, for 1915. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. XI. YEAR BOOKS OF 5 EDWARD II (1311-1312). Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This volume includes reports of cases heard in the Hilary and Easter terms of 5 Edward II. Vol. X, covering Michaelmas term, 5 Edward II, edited by Mr.G. J. Turner and completed with an introduction by Professor T.F.T. Plucknett, appeared as Vol. 63 for 1944.)
ISBN: 0 85423 062 9
Vol. 30, for 1914. SELECT BILLS IN EYRE, 1292-1333. Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 007 6
Vol. 29, for 1913, YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. VIII THE EYRE OF KENT OF 6 AND 7 EDWARD II (1313-1314), Vol. III. Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This is a continuation of Vol. 27 published for 1912 (Year Books Series, Vol. VII, comprising the remainder of the civil pleas in alphabetical order, and a collection of notes dealing with miscellaneous matters.)
ISBN: 0 85423 060 2
Vol. 28, for 1913. SELECT CHARTERS OF TRADING COMPANIES. Edited by CECIL CARR, of the Inner Temple, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 012 2
Vol. 27, for 1912. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. VII. THE EYRE OF KENT OF 6 AND 7 EDWARD II (1313-1314), Vol. II. Edited by W. C. BOLLAND, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister, Professor F. W. MAITLAND and L. W. VERNON HARCOURT. With facsimile of a specimen of MS.
(This is a continuation of Vol. 24 published for 1909 (Year Books Series, Vol.V), comprising the civil pleas arranged in alphabetical order from Account to Mesne.)
ISBN: 0 85423 040 8
Vol. 26, for 1911. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. VI. YEAR BOOKS OF 4 EDWARD II (1310-1311). Edited by G. J. TURNER, MA., of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(This is a continuation of Vol. IV of this series, and contains the reports for Michaelmas. Hilary and Easter terms of 4 Edward II. The rest of the Year Book of 4 Edward II, edited by Mr. Turner, is in the Year Books Series, Vol. 1X, covering Trinity term, and was issued as Vol. 42 for 1925.)
ISBN: 0 85423 039 4
Vol. 25, for 1910. SELECT PLEAS OF THE COURT OF STAR CHAMBER, 1509-1544. Vol. II Edited by I. S. LEADAM, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(Vol. I was published as Vol. 16 for 1902.)
ISBN: 0 85423 059 9
Vol. 24, for 1909. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. V. THE EYRE OF KENT OF 6 AND 7 EDWARD II (1313-1314), Vol. I. Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND, L. W. VERNON HARCOURT and W. C. BOLLAND, Barristers.
ISBN: 0 85423 038 6
Vol. 23, for 1908. SELECT CASES CONCERNING THE LAW MERCHANT. Vol. I, LOCAL COURTS. Edited by CHARLES GROSS, Professor of History, Harvard University.
(Vols. II and III, edited by Dr. Hubert Hall, appear as Vols. 46 and 49 for 1929 and 1932.)
ISBN: 0 85423 019 X
Vol. 22, for 1907. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. IV. YEAR BOOKS OF 3 and 4 EDWARD II (1310). Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND and G. J. TURNER, MA, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 037 8
Vol. 21, for 1906. BOROUGH CUSTOMS. Vol. II . Edited by MISS MARY BATESON, Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge.
(Vol. I was published as Vol. 18 for 1904.)
ISBN: 0 85423 095 5
Vol. 20, for 1905. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. III. YEAR BOOKS OF 3 EDWARD II (1309-1310). Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND.
ISBN: 0 85423 036 X
Vol. 19, for 1904. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. H. YEAR BOOKS OF 2 AND 3 EDWARD II (1308-1309 and 1309-1310). Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND.
ISBN: 0 85423 035 1
Vol. 18, for 1904. BOROUGH CUSTOMS. Vol. I Edited by MISS MARY BATESON, Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge.
(Vol. II was published as Vol. 21 for 1906.)
ISBN: 0 85423 006 8
Vol. 17, for 1903. YEAR BOOKS SERIES. Vol. I. YEAR BOOKS OF 1 AND 2 EDWARD II (1307-1308 and 1308-1309). Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND.
ISBN: 0 85423 204 4
Vol. 16, for 1902. SELECT PLEAS OF THE COURT OF STAR CHAMBER, 1477-1509. Vol. I. Edited by I. S.LEADAM, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
(Vol. II was published as Vol. 25 for 1910.)
ISBN: 0 85423 031 9
Vol. 15, for 1901. SELECT PLEAS, STARRS, etc., OF THE JEWISH EXCHEQUER, 1220-1284. Edited, from the rolls in the Public Record Office, by J. M. RIGG, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 069 6
Vol. 14, for 1900. BEVERLEY TOWN DOCUMENTS. Edited by ARTHUR F. LEACH, Barrister, Assistant Charity Commissioner.
ISBN: 0 85423 028 9
Vol. 13, for 1899. SELECT PLEAS OF THE FOREST. Edited by G. J. TURNER, MA, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 085 8
Vol. 12, for 1898. SELECT CASES IN THE COURT OF REQUESTS, 1497-1569. Edited by I. S. LEADAM, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 029 7
Vol. 11, for 1897. SELECT PLEAS OF THE COURT OF ADMIRALTY. Vol. II, 1547-1602. Edited by REGINALD G. MARSDEN, of the Inner Temple, Barrister. (This volume continues from Vol. 6 for 1892.)
ISBN: 0 85423 064 5
Vol. 10, for 1896. SELECT CASES IN CHANCERY, 1364-1471. Edited by W. PALEY BAILDON, FSA.
ISBN: 0 85423 004 1
Vol. 9, for 1895. SELECT CASES FROM THE CORONERS’ ROLLS, 1265-1413. Edited by CHARLES GROSS, Professor of History, Harvard University.
ISBN: 0 85423 022 X
Vol. 8, for 1894. SELECT PASSAGES FROM BRACTON AND AZO. Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND.
ISBN: 0 85423 056 4
Vol. 7, for 1893. THE MIRROR OF JUSTICES. Edited by W. J. WHITTAKER, MA, and Professor F. W. MAITLAND.
ISBN: 0 85423 086 6
Vol. 6, for 1892. SELECT PLEAS OF THE COURT OF ADMIRALTY. Vol. 1, 1390 1404 and 1527-1545. Edited by REGINALD G. MARSDEN, of the Inner Temple, Barrister.
(Continued in Vol. 11 for 1897.)
ISBN: 0 85423 063 7
Vol. 5, for 1891. THE LEET JURISDICTION IN THE CITY OF NORWICH. Edited by the Rev. W. HUDSON, MA. With map and facsimile.
ISBN: 0 85423 025 4
ISBN: 0 85423 033 5
Vol 3, for 1889. SELECT CIVIL PLEAS. Vol. 1, 1200-1203. Edited by W. PALEY BAILDON, FSA, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister.
ISBN: 0 85423 005 X
Vol. 2, for 1888. SELECT PLEAS IN MANORIAL AND OTHER SEIGNORIAL COURTS. Vol. I, Henry III and Edward I. Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND.
ISBN: 0 85423 057 2
Vol. 1, for 1887. SELECT PLEAS OF THE CROWN. Vol. 1, 1200-1225. Edited by Professor F. W. MAITLAND. With facsimile.
ISBN: 0 85423 058 0